
Help Your Kids Cope Better With Anger - The Blue Bells School


Help Your Kids Cope Better With Anger - The Blue Bells School

We all lose our cool from time to time, and these moments bring out reactions that are in complete contrast to our usual temperament and behaviour. Our children are not immune to this emotion either. In fact, outbursts and tantrums are more pronounced and frequent in young kids as they are easily overwhelmed and lack the cognitive and emotional stability required to process this sense of distress. 

Even though anger is a natural emotion, it is imperative to teach children to regulate, process, and channelise it the right way, lest they develop destructive tendencies.

Here are a few anger management tips that might help: 

Recognise the cause 

In children, anger, more often than not, is a way of communicating emotions they haven’t yet learned to express in words. Child psychologists also believe that anger can stem from a child’s idea of something that seems unfair since young minds often have a strong sense of justice. In addition to this, a child may throw a hissy fit if they feel they are not being heard or paid attention to.

In other cases, the reasons can be fairly simple – hunger, exhaustion, or being overstimulated by their environment. Identifying the underlying cause can play a big role in mitigating anger issues. Read more...

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Blue Bells aimed to assist students to develop analytical and thinking abilities. New methods are being implemented, such as more questions with internal alternatives, a greater focus on objective questions, and policies are being amended on a regul…

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