CBSE Board School in Gurgaon: Tips To Help Children With Their Writing Skills

 Writing is one of the greatest inventions of humankind. As our civilisation and our ideas become increasingly complex, writing as a skill is becoming more and more critical. Your writing skills could mean the difference between a successful life and an unsuccessful, unsatisfactory life. Hence, it is worthwhile to teach your children how to express themselves effectively in writing. This article presents some time-tested tips to help your child with their writing skills.

Appreciate good writing

Your children must know that you appreciate and respect good writing. This should come across in speech in the form of appreciation for a good book or a good writer. If you discuss the nuances of stories and articles at home, they will pick up the cue that writing is an activity that attracts appreciation and respect. This is one of the greatest motivators to write.

Read often, read good

The vocabulary, structures, ideas, and inspirations that go into writing originate in the writings of others. Whether a book or magazine or e-reader, you must read yourself, read to your child, and encourage your child to read. Buy them age-appropriate books to read and build them a bookshelf. Surround them with good-quality literature from where they can pick up good writing.

Model writing behavior

Let your children see you write often—from to-do lists to greeting cards to e-mails, reports, and your personal diary. If you write daily, they will feel that writing is something that should be done and imitate you by writing themselves.

Scribbling is good

From an early age, encourage your child to draw, scribble, and write using crayons or sketch pens or pencils. Do not discourage them from writing gibberish. The act of holding a writing device and creating symbols on a medium, be it paper or the wall, is the fundamental act behind writing.

Encourage letter writing

Set up a letter-writing arrangement between your child and a friend or relative. Incentivise them to write letters to each other occasionally instead of texting. Show them how to write letters. Have your home stocked with postcards, inland letters, envelopes, and stamps. As a further nudge, take your child to the post office and help her/him build a stamp collection.

Keep a diary

Introduce your children to the beautiful world of diary writing. If you keep a personal diary yourself, show it to your children, and let them read entries that you think they can. Help them buy a diary of their own, show them how to make diary entries, and also tell them that, if they wish, they can keep it secret from you, so that they are encouraged to write their innermost thoughts at length. Read More

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Blue Bells aimed to assist students to develop analytical and thinking abilities. New methods are being implemented, such as more questions with internal alternatives, a greater focus on objective questions, and policies are being amended on a regul…

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